What are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man doesn’t get an erection or it becomes weak during sexual intercourse. This could be due to many factors. Stress and psychological factors are often involved. Potency problems can also be caused by physical illness.

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

The reason the penis doesn’t erect isn’t always due to lack of sexual arousal. Erectile dysfunction, especially in older men is often a sign of certain diseases.

More than half of all 100 men suffer from erectile dysfunction. The most affected are the older men: Every second man over 40 complains at least once a week. Potency problems are less common in younger men.

A urologist is recommended for anyone suffering from problems with potency. A urologist is an expert on all urinary-forming and draining organs, such as the bladder and kidneys. He can also help with the sexual organs. He can help the patient understand the causes and offer treatment options.

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors and may often be combined. Psychological problems, especially in younger men, can play a significant role. 

Depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders can affect sexual desire and cause potency problems. However, in most cases, erectile dysfunction can be attributed to physical causes. 

These include:

  • Circulatory disorders
  • Nerve damage, diseases
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Circulatory disorders

Among older patients, circulatory problems are the leading cause of potency problems. The penis becomes soft when the penis’ erectile tissue is not able to fill with enough blood. Regardless of the cause of Impotence, Potencialex is the best natural solution: Potencialex Test

Two main reasons could be the reason:

  • Arterial blood flow disorder is a condition where not enough blood flows through the arteries to the blood vessels of erectile tissue.
  • Venous circulatory disorder is when too much blood leaves the corpora Cavernosa.

Many times, arterial circulatory disorder is caused by metabolic diseases like:

  • Arteriosclerosis,
  • Diabetes mellitus (diabetes),
  • Hypertension.

Arteriosclerosis is a condition where blood vessels in the body, including the penis, are narrowed due to calcium and blood fat deposits. Microangiopathy is also a result of high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. Damage to the blood vessels that connect the veins and arteries (arterioles, capillaries) can also occur. This can also impede blood flow towards the corpora Cavernosa.

The penis’s blood flow may be affected. The penis’ veins act as valves during erection. They keep blood from getting into the penis and make it stiff. The smooth muscles of the penis indirectly help to ensure this: when they relax, the vessels dilate. The blood fills the erectile tissue, which expands and contracts the veins. They close their valves.

This mechanism is not effective for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. The muscles of the penis cannot relax properly, and this causes the mechanism to fail. The veins allow blood to flow back out of the erectile tissues too quickly.

This could be due to many factors, some of which are not fully understood. Studies have shown that pathologically high blood sugar can cause damage to the smooth muscles of the penis.

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Nerve Disorders

The brain initiates an erection. It sends signals through the nerve pathways to the penis. When excited, certain messenger substances are released by nerve fibers. These nerve fibers, among other things ensure that the penile smooth muscles relax and the blood vessels within the erectile tissues dilate.

The penis will not stiffen even when aroused if the signal pathway from the brain and the penis is disrupted. About one in ten men with erectile problems experience this. People with diabetes mellitus or alcohol addiction often have their peripheral nerves damaged. Multiple sclerosis, strokes, Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s can all cause damage to the central nervous system.

Hormone Disorders

An important part of erection development is the male sex hormone testosterone. Deficient testosterone can cause a decrease in sexual arousal, which may make it less likely that a man will have an erection.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by an excess of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that promotes breast milk production. However, it can also be produced by the male body for reasons not fully understood.

Some medications and diseases can cause an increase in prolactin production, which can lead to potency problems. If you already suffer from Impotence try Potencialex and you will notice the changes almost instantly: Potencialex Buy

Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction occurs when the male member is not sufficiently stiffened for satisfactory sexual intercourse, or if the erection does not last. Some people with erectile dysfunction may also experience delayed or premature ejaculation (ejaculatio retarda).

Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to get a sufficient erection for sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction can manifest as a erection that’s too short, too weak, or non-existent. This invariably makes it difficult or severely restricts your sexual life. Erectile dysfunction isn’t necessarily caused by a daily routine, lifestyle or medication.

The clinical picture’s existence is determined by the fact that an erection cannot be performed completely or can only be done to a limited extent. The cause of impotence can also affect the symptoms. These psychological causes can also be considered, and they often manifest themselves as accompanying psychological symptoms. This can be caused by depressive moods or body perception issues.

There are also organic causes. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by other conditions. It is important to check your vascular health. Most people affected by erectile dysfunction also experience psychological problems as a result of their perceived imperfections.

A person with erectile dysfunction is more likely to be younger than someone without it. This can cause additional symptoms. Erectile dysfunction symptoms aren’t always easy to identify. Temporary periods of inability to erectile function may be quite common depending on the individual. A potency disorder is diagnosed when the symptoms last for a longer time, which isn’t always clear.

Potencialex: A Natural Solution

Potencialex is a natural supplement to increase male potency, give strong erection and contributes to normal sperm formation and fertility. The herbal food supplement is available in capsule form.

Potencialex are all-natural herbal capsules for firm and long-lasting erections, restoring self-confidence in bed, restoring and increasing libido and treating unpleasant hiccups 100% in bed. A weak erection negatively affects every man’s self-esteem. Try it: Potencialex Original