Potency Disorders: Significance and Causes

When things go wrong in bed, the psyche is usually affected. Stress and anxiety can be to blame, which exacerbates the issue. Most often, the cause is physical. When viewed objectively, potency can be regarded as “only” an mechanical process. Stimuli are used to stimulate the pleasure centres in the brain and the spinal cord. These substances release messengers that promote erection.

The erectile tissues in the penis fill up with blood and an erection is formed. Orgasm, the most intense feeling in the world, culminates with ejaculation. This is a perfect case.

There is a great deal of interest in sexuality, but there is a lot of silence when it comes to potency disorders. The term “impotence”, despite all of the education, has a negative connotation. No exact figures are available due to the taboo nature of this subject. Previously, a lack of stiffness in the joints was attributed to the mind. Today, we assume that about half of the people affected suffer from organic disorders, and around 20% have both physical and psychological factors.

Potency can be Fragile

However, the reality is quite different for most men. Even minor fluctuations can disrupt the delicate interplay between feelings, stimuli, and reactions. The penis is no longer responding as it should.

Waiting too long for men to visit a Doctor is a Problem

Impotence is a medical condition that occurs when a man cannot achieve a satisfactory erection. Men who are affected by impotence do not seek professional help and consult a specialist. Impotence remains a taboo, and men are still speechless – despite the fact that our society no longer has any sexual prohibitions.

Impotence triggers a Domino Effect

It is not a good idea to wait and see if the impotence disappears on its own. Erectile dysfunction is a widespread problem.

It can have a devastating impact on your partner, your personality, and even self-confidence. There are many ways to restore the potency and to resolve the crisis. There is no reason for men to be impotent today, as there are many ways that they can get help.

Potency Disorders

The medical terminology is often different from the terms used by the general public. Impotence in medical terms is used to describe both male and female impotence.

Inability of Males to reproduce and perform Coitus:

Erectile Dysfunction (impotentia Coeundi), or erectile disorder (ED), is when the penis cannot become erect, either because it does not erect enough, or for a long time, and therefore the sexual act can’t be performed.

Impotentia generandi, also known as infertility or sterility, is the inability to reproduce. In this case ejaculation and orgasmic abilities are present. Ejaculation is present. Infertility is the inability to reproduce.

Impotence is usually used to refer only to its first form. Only erectile dysfunction will be discussed, as the causes, diagnoses and treatment options differ greatly. This article will only discuss erectile disorder.

Impotence and the Mind

The stronger sex can weaken due to psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or pressure to perform.

Erectile dysfunction can also affect male wellbeing and lead to frustration, fear and frustration of not being able to “be able” the next time. This is a vicious cycle of fear and failure.

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Bicycle Saddles do not cause Erectile Dysfunction

Scientists have long believed that the shape of bicycle saddles could cause serious potency problems. The teardrop shape of the saddle causes approximately one-third of your body weight to rest on the perineum. 

When seated, the area between the external genitals and the anus is affected. The blood flow in the penis is affected by prolonged and frequent sitting on the saddle of a bicycle.

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Erection Problems: What causes them?

The release of neurotransmitters in the blood is a result of sexual arousal. This causes the vascular muscle to relax, allowing blood to flow into the penis. Erection issues can result if these mechanisms are disrupted. 

Impotence is often caused by diabetes, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Many people who are affected by impotence avoid going to the doctor out of shame. Consult your doctor if you suspect that erectile malfunction is caused by a disease.

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The best Natural Treatment

Potencialex is an innovative product to solve all problems with male potency. Producers spent several years researching various plant extracts and natural components, combining and testing their effects. As a result, we managed to find a combination of components that frees men from physiological problems with potency.

Today, Potencialex is the only product that solves absolutely all potency problems without harming health and without experiencing any side effects, as it consists exclusively of natural and ecological components.

Thanks to the synergistic effect of natural components, Potencialex provides powerful blood flow to the penis, permanent erection, prolongs sexual intercourse, improves sensitivity and neutralises psychological fear of intimacy.

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Is it possible to treat and remove Impotence?

Erectile Dysfunction is when a man cannot achieve an erection that is sufficient to engage in sexual activity. After a few minutes, the penis doesn’t become flaccid or stiff. 

It is only if the problems persist for at least six month and are experienced in more than two thirds of erection attempts that it becomes a disorder. It is perfectly normal to have occasional erection issues.

Erectile Dysfunction

The risk of erectile dysfunction increases with age. Many physical and psychological factors can cause erectile dysfunction. Most cases of erectile dysfunction can be treated successfully with medication, mechanical devices or psychotherapy.

Impotence is another term for erectile dysfunction. This is not the only form of impotence. It’s called erectile dysfunction (impotentia conundi). Impotence can also be used to refer to infertility.

Medication or other aids are used to treat erectile dysfunction with physical causes. The trigger for erectile malfunction must be treated if it is another illness. Impotence can be corrected surgically in rare cases. Psychosexual sex treatment is recommended for erectile disorders that are psychological in nature.

Causes, Risk Factors, and Frequency

No one knows how many men suffer from erectile dysfunction. Due to the taboo nature of erectile dysfunction and the fact that many men are ashamed of going to the doctor, it is likely that there are many unreported cases. 

Experts estimate that 5% of males are affected. As you age, the risk of developing erectile dysfunction increases. According to this study, one in ten men between the ages of 40 and 49, as well as one in three men between 60 and 69, are affected.

Many factors can lead to erectile dysfunction. Physical triggers can include vascular disease, hormonal disorders or nerve disorders. Serious illnesses and side effects from medication are also possible. 

Stress, depression, or fear of failing can all be psychological triggers. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical or psychological factors in 70% of cases. In young men, erectile malfunction is often triggered by a psychological factor.

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Drug Therapy

The doctor will often prescribe a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor to improve blood flow in the penis. They include avanafil.

Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil. All of these drugs inhibit the enzyme Phosphodiesterase-5. It breaks down messenger substances that increase blood flow in penis during sexual stimulation. The drug can disrupt this process, causing more messenger substance to be produced and a stronger erection.

Tadalafil’s effect is felt within a half-hour and can last up to 36 hours. A doctor can prescribe this medication for daily use. One tablet is recommended. The erectile effects of vardenafil and sildenafil last from 4 to 12 hour. These phosphodiesterase-5 inhibiters are not a pleasure drug; they only help men get erections when sexually stimulated. 

The side effects of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nose congestion, facial flushing and heat sensations, back and muscular pain, and visual disturbances.

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A sex therapist can help if the erectile disorder is psychological. Counseling or psychotherapy can be recommended as a complementary measure, since a physical cause of erectile dysfunction can also lead to a man’s psychological distress.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication to treat erectile disorder. Internet-ordered medicines are not always safe, and may contain ingredients that differ from what is stated. Your health is at risk due to this and dosage errors.

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The best Natural Option: Potencialex

With the natural preparation Potencialex, men will be able to improve their potency naturally. High-quality ingredients such as maca, ginkgo and zinc not only promise an improvement in virility, but also guarantee good tolerability.

In principle, this natural sexual enhancer can be assumed to have a rapid effect. Most users, including our test subject from the self-test, report an effect of Potencialex that begins after the first dose.

Accordingly, the substances develop an effect within 30 to 60 minutes, which then lasts for up to three hours. Since the Potencialex tablets are a natural sexual enhancer, the onset and intensity of the effect can vary from user to user and increase over the course of regular use.

For this reason, the manufacturer recommends taking it over a period of at least 30 days. Regular use should improve the erection and potency of the user in particular, so that after a 30-day cure a Potencialex effect in the form of improved sexual performance can be expected. We recommend purchasing Potencialex only from the Manufacturer: Potencialex Original

What are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man doesn’t get an erection or it becomes weak during sexual intercourse. This could be due to many factors. Stress and psychological factors are often involved. Potency problems can also be caused by physical illness.

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

The reason the penis doesn’t erect isn’t always due to lack of sexual arousal. Erectile dysfunction, especially in older men is often a sign of certain diseases.

More than half of all 100 men suffer from erectile dysfunction. The most affected are the older men: Every second man over 40 complains at least once a week. Potency problems are less common in younger men.

A urologist is recommended for anyone suffering from problems with potency. A urologist is an expert on all urinary-forming and draining organs, such as the bladder and kidneys. He can also help with the sexual organs. He can help the patient understand the causes and offer treatment options.

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors and may often be combined. Psychological problems, especially in younger men, can play a significant role. 

Depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders can affect sexual desire and cause potency problems. However, in most cases, erectile dysfunction can be attributed to physical causes. 

These include:

  • Circulatory disorders
  • Nerve damage, diseases
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Circulatory disorders

Among older patients, circulatory problems are the leading cause of potency problems. The penis becomes soft when the penis’ erectile tissue is not able to fill with enough blood. Regardless of the cause of Impotence, Potencialex is the best natural solution: Potencialex Test

Two main reasons could be the reason:

  • Arterial blood flow disorder is a condition where not enough blood flows through the arteries to the blood vessels of erectile tissue.
  • Venous circulatory disorder is when too much blood leaves the corpora Cavernosa.

Many times, arterial circulatory disorder is caused by metabolic diseases like:

  • Arteriosclerosis,
  • Diabetes mellitus (diabetes),
  • Hypertension.

Arteriosclerosis is a condition where blood vessels in the body, including the penis, are narrowed due to calcium and blood fat deposits. Microangiopathy is also a result of high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. Damage to the blood vessels that connect the veins and arteries (arterioles, capillaries) can also occur. This can also impede blood flow towards the corpora Cavernosa.

The penis’s blood flow may be affected. The penis’ veins act as valves during erection. They keep blood from getting into the penis and make it stiff. The smooth muscles of the penis indirectly help to ensure this: when they relax, the vessels dilate. The blood fills the erectile tissue, which expands and contracts the veins. They close their valves.

This mechanism is not effective for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. The muscles of the penis cannot relax properly, and this causes the mechanism to fail. The veins allow blood to flow back out of the erectile tissues too quickly.

This could be due to many factors, some of which are not fully understood. Studies have shown that pathologically high blood sugar can cause damage to the smooth muscles of the penis.

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Nerve Disorders

The brain initiates an erection. It sends signals through the nerve pathways to the penis. When excited, certain messenger substances are released by nerve fibers. These nerve fibers, among other things ensure that the penile smooth muscles relax and the blood vessels within the erectile tissues dilate.

The penis will not stiffen even when aroused if the signal pathway from the brain and the penis is disrupted. About one in ten men with erectile problems experience this. People with diabetes mellitus or alcohol addiction often have their peripheral nerves damaged. Multiple sclerosis, strokes, Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s can all cause damage to the central nervous system.

Hormone Disorders

An important part of erection development is the male sex hormone testosterone. Deficient testosterone can cause a decrease in sexual arousal, which may make it less likely that a man will have an erection.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by an excess of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that promotes breast milk production. However, it can also be produced by the male body for reasons not fully understood.

Some medications and diseases can cause an increase in prolactin production, which can lead to potency problems. If you already suffer from Impotence try Potencialex and you will notice the changes almost instantly: Potencialex Buy

Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction occurs when the male member is not sufficiently stiffened for satisfactory sexual intercourse, or if the erection does not last. Some people with erectile dysfunction may also experience delayed or premature ejaculation (ejaculatio retarda).

Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to get a sufficient erection for sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction can manifest as a erection that’s too short, too weak, or non-existent. This invariably makes it difficult or severely restricts your sexual life. Erectile dysfunction isn’t necessarily caused by a daily routine, lifestyle or medication.

The clinical picture’s existence is determined by the fact that an erection cannot be performed completely or can only be done to a limited extent. The cause of impotence can also affect the symptoms. These psychological causes can also be considered, and they often manifest themselves as accompanying psychological symptoms. This can be caused by depressive moods or body perception issues.

There are also organic causes. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by other conditions. It is important to check your vascular health. Most people affected by erectile dysfunction also experience psychological problems as a result of their perceived imperfections.

A person with erectile dysfunction is more likely to be younger than someone without it. This can cause additional symptoms. Erectile dysfunction symptoms aren’t always easy to identify. Temporary periods of inability to erectile function may be quite common depending on the individual. A potency disorder is diagnosed when the symptoms last for a longer time, which isn’t always clear.

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Potencialex is a natural supplement to increase male potency, give strong erection and contributes to normal sperm formation and fertility. The herbal food supplement is available in capsule form.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Impotence in males is a disorder of the genital system that manifests itself by the inability to achieve a satisfactory erection or a sufficient erection, despite sexual stimulation. It is important to distinguish between impotence and infertility. Impotence can be a problem for men.

The penis does not have enough stiffness to allow for sexual activity in the case of erectile dysfunction. Some men also have a problem controlling their ejaculation. It may come too early or late. Some men suffer from a lack of ejaculation.

Many people find it difficult to openly discuss their problems with erectile dysfunction and avoid visiting the doctor. Erectile dysfunction can also be a significant psychological burden.

In some cases, drug therapy may be necessary. However, for others, a lifestyle change and diet can increase potency. The following sections will discuss the positive effects of diet and exercise on potency.

How does Diet influence Potency?

Consuming foods high in sugar and fat, along with large quantities of red meat, can be detrimental to your health. This can cause obesity, high blood cholesterol levels, and diseases like diabetes mellitus and arteriosclerosis. These can also lead to impotence.

A balanced diet can also have positive effects. To increase potency and prevent erectile dysfunction, it is important to eat fresh and organic i.e. As much as possible, avoid eating processed foods. The consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and fish generally has a positive impact.

Antioxidants are believed to increase the potency of foods. These foods include tomatoes, blackberries, oranges, tomatoes, citrus fruits, potatoes, and nuts. Drink as much liquid throughout the day as you can, including water, unsweetened herbal, or fruit tea. A good diet is very important, and if you add Potencialex to your diet you will notice a big difference almost instantly: Potencialex Test

Exercise can increase your Potency

Regular exercise can improve erectile function. Particularly suitable are endurance sports like jogging and strength training the thighs muscles.

The targeted pelvic floor training can increase your potency. This is done by tensing the pelvis for ten seconds, then releasing it every day. This can be done standing, lying down or sitting.

What other Factors can influence Potency?

Nicotine intake can lead to erection problems. It impairs the function of the arteries, and therefore the blood flow to your penis.

Many former smokers have seen their erectile function improve over time, according to studies. In cases of erectile dysfunction, quitting smoking can have a positive impact on your potency.

Stress and psychological problems are other factors that can impact potency. You can find relief by doing relaxation exercises, meditation, and psychotherapy. Regardless of the cause of Impotence, Potencialex is the best natural solution: Potencialex Buy

What impact does Masturbation exert?

Masturbation does not have a negative impact on a man’s ability to perform well. Masturbation can have positive effects if it is not compulsive and perceived as satisfying.

This holds true when erectile dysfunction can be psychological. Masturbation can also increase self-esteem. Masturbation can also help one to understand their own bodies better.

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What should be done if Erectile Dysfunction is not being treated with Medication?

A doctor will decide whether medication should be used to treat erectile problems. You should seek medical advice if you have persistent problems with your erectile function.

Your doctor will investigate possible causes, such as psychological stress factors or pre-existing conditions. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by medication. This indicates that there is a psychological reason for the erectile dysfunction if there are no drug- or physical causes.

Potency-increasing medications are prescribed for patients whose lifestyle or diet has not changed.

What Medications can be used to treat Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence?

You can also be prescribed a sex enhancer if necessary. These are often the so-called PDE-5 inhibitors.

The most well-known example is likely Viagra, which was introduced to the German market in 1998. This group also includes the active ingredients Cialis and Levitra, as well as Spedra. PDE-5 inhibitors are only available with a prescription.

Penis rings and penis pumps can be used to increase potency. However, they are not as effective as drug treatment.

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What causes Impotence?

Erectile dysfunction can be a burden on both the partner and the man affected. Potency problems are more common as we age. This can be due to psychological stress or physical illness. 

PDE-5 inhibitors are effective in treating erectile dysfunction. However, natural active ingredients can also be used, as well as local aids and lifestyle changes.

What are Erectile Dysfunctions and how can they be treated?

According to medical statistics, erectile dysfunction affects one fifth of German men. Only 1.4 percent of men experience erection issues that are related to subjective suffering before the age of 40. Nearly seven percent of those affected are between the ages 50 and 59. The disease’s frequency peaks at over 14 percent in 60- to-69-year-old males. After that, it gradually declines due to decreased sexual activity.

Young men reach their peak sexual performance at around 20 years old. Their sexual potency slowly declines over the next 20 years. Many men notice a decline in their erectile ability around their 40th birthday. 

They are no longer as stiff as they used to be and require more intense stimulation. Ejaculation can also be performed less often. These changes are not clinically significant. These changes could be due to hormonal factors, stress, physical strain, and possibly partner problems.

After six Months, Erection Problems are only Clinically relevant

Most men are familiar with temporary erection issues. However, most episodes resolve quickly. Erectile dysfunction is defined by the German Society of Urology as a condition that occurs when at least 70% of planned sexual contact fails to take place because of an absent or weak erection.

However, this definition has not changed. This condition is often referred to in medicine as erectile dysfunction. In common parlance, it is called “impotence”. If you already suffer from Impotence you can try Potencialex, a completely natural solution: Potencialex Test

Blurred lines between Psychological and Physical Factors

Stress and partner problems are two of the main mental triggers for erection problems. Many men in their midlife years are also experiencing a greater degree of emotional turmoil. 

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by anxiety or depression. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both psychological and physical causes.

Neurobiological triggers for Erectile Problems

Erectile dysfunction is always caused by neurobiological processes that are out-of-balance, regardless of the immediate triggers. In achieving an erection, there are many factors that play a part in it. These include blood circulation, penile musculature and nervous system. 

The cellular control of erection may not work smoothly if the penis’ erectile tissue isn’t adequately supplied with blood. A weak or insufficiently strong erection may not be capable of forming the sexual act. Potencialex is a natural solution, which guarantees its effectiveness: Potencialex Buy

Signs of Erectile Dysfunction

It is easy to see erectile dysfunction. A physical cause may be present if they occur gradually. A possible psychological cause is sudden appearances of potency problems.

This could be due to stress or certain circumstances. If spontaneous erections occur during sleep, it is more likely that there is a psychological cause.

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Risk Factors

An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to erectile dysfunction. All influences that can have a negative effect on blood flow to the capillary vessels are considered “poison” for erection.

Vasoconstrictive effects can be caused by smoking and higher amounts of alcohol. In a sexually active state, nicotine and alcohol abuse can also cause severe disruptions to blood flow and erectile tissue.

Metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, and obesity can have similar consequences.


There are many ways that Erectile Dysfunction may manifest:

  • It is possible that erection does not take place at all
  • The erection is not strong enough or lasts long enough to allow for a sexual act
  • Pressure and pain
  • Complete absence of orgasm or ejaculation

Nutrition in Erectile Dysfunction

Potency problems can be caused by dietary errors such as too much fat, sugar, and too many calories. These factors affect not only your abdominal girth, weight, but also your blood lipid levels, blood pressure, and are a major risk factor for developing adult-onset diabetes, vascular disease, and cardiovascular disease.

A healthy diet can prevent erectile dysfunction and alleviate or even eliminate existing potency problems. This is why a Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and fish, is so beneficial.

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Erection Problems: What can You do?

Both Psychological and physical reasons can cause Erection problems. Circulatory disorders can lead to impotence, which is often seen in older people. Stress plays an important role in impotence, particularly for young men.

Most cases of impotence can usually be treated with the correct medication. This will allow those suffering to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. Find out when erection problems are most common and what treatment options are available.

What is Erectile Dysfunction and how common are they?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is when a man cannot have or maintain a sufficient erection for sexual intercourse. This is often caused by a circulatory disorder in which too little blood reaches the penis.

Erectile dysfunction is not a condition that affects every man. Doctors will only diagnose erectile dysfunction if the symptoms persist for more than six months or 70% of attempts fail.

Studies show that about one fifth of men aged between 30 and 40 are affected by erection issues, with the frequency increasing as they get older. Just 2.3% of men aged between 30 and 40 years old suffer from erectile problems, while more than 50% of those aged 70 to 80 years old have it.

The condition can cause severe suffering for those who are affected. They may not only experience difficulty communicating with their partner but also their doctor. To be able take the appropriate actions, it is essential to identify the root cause of erectile dysfunction. Try Potencialex and you will feel the difference instantly: Potencialex Farmacy

What can I do to prevent Erectile Dysfunction at 50?

Most cases of erectile dysfunction occur in middle age and older age. In 80 percent of cases, the problem is organic. A physical cause.

In this case, the doctor first identifies the cause of the dysfunction sexually and then takes two approaches to treating it.

The primary focus is on the treatment of the underlying condition. Second, appropriate medication can be used to treat erection issues. These so-called PDE-5 inhibitors, or less expensive generics, are often used.

A weaker vascular system is the biggest risk factor for erectile problems. The condition of blood vessels can deteriorate with age, resulting in a decrease in blood flow. High blood pressure can lead to arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, and a decrease in potency. If you suffer from Impotence try Potencialex, it is the best natural solution: Potencialex Buy

A poor lifestyle can also affect blood flow to the penis. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by other risk factors:

  • Tabacco, Drugs and Alcohol
  • Low physical Activity
  • Unhealthy Diet
  • High Cholesterol

Diabetes is a common cause of erection problems in 50-year-olds. This is often overlooked. Diabetes can lead to blood vessel wall changes, which can cause impotence. Erectile dysfunction affects approximately 2/3 of diabetics.

However, there are other organic causes that can cause Erectile Dysfunction:

  • Neurological diseases (multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease)
  • Low Testosterone level, testosterone deficiency
  • Traumatic injuries (spinal cord injuries and pelvic fractures).
  • Consequences of permanent erection (priapism).
  • Side effects of Medication (e.g. Side effects of medications (e.g., psychotropic drugs and antihypertensive medicines)

Erectile problems can occur at any age, whether 50 or older. This is usually temporary.

Stress, relationship problems or pressure to perform can trigger erectile dysfunction. Sometimes, there are both psychological and organic causes. This is why a multi-level therapy may be necessary.

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Erection Problems: What can You do?

Potencialex is a natural supplement to increase male potency, give strong erection and contributes to normal sperm formation and fertility. The herbal food supplement is available in capsule form.

Potencialex are all-natural herbal capsules for firm and long-lasting erections, restoring self-confidence in bed, restoring and increasing libido and treating unpleasant hiccups 100% in bed. A weak erection negatively affects every man’s self-esteem. 

Potencialex is the best natural option to treat Impotence. It is highly recommended no matter what age you are, as it is completely natural and does not cause any bothersome side effects. Try Potencialex to feel the results instantly: Potencialex Test


Psychologically caused Erectile Dysfunction: What can be done?

Doctors refer to erectile dysfunction as erectile dysfunction. There are many causes. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical as well as psychological factors.

What is the Relationship between Head and Erection?

Erectile dysfunction and depression are two examples. They can be triggered, perpetuated, or even exacerbated by each other. About 10% of people affected by erectile dysfunction are caused by psychological factors. Erection problems are more common in young men. Erection problems that are psychologically caused are easily treated.

Many people don’t know that a large portion of sexuality doesn’t take place in the genitals. It takes place in the brain. So the brain is the control centre of desire.

The brain converts sexual stimuli and attraction into a sensation of sexual arousal. The brain then transmits the erotic stimulus via the spinal cord to nerve nodes and nerve chords of the penis. Parasympathetic nervous systems are also activated by the stimulus. The blood vessels dilate and fill the corpora cavernosa. The blood becomes thicker and the penis becomes difficult.

Erection is therefore a complex process, in which all the processes are perfectly coordinated. Erectile dysfunction can result if this coordination is disrupted.

The sympathetic nervous system activates when there is stress. This is the opposite of the parasympathetic and is responsible for erection. Just like cold, stress can make the penis more fragile and shrink. The transmission of nerve impulses from the penis can also be affected by emotional life and mental health. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by stress, depression, anxiety, or anger.

What Psychological Factors can cause Erectile Dysfunction?

While most triggers for erectile problems are caused by physical conditions, there are some psychological triggers.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by many medications that are prescribed to treat mental illness.

Even in healthy people, there are psychological factors that can cause a “block” to sexual intercourse. Fear of failure, low self-esteem, and sexual pressure can all play a part in the lives of many men.

These negative emotions can lead to erectile dysfunction. This can lead to psychological problems and erectile dysfunction. This can create a vicious circle in which psychological problems and the erectile dysfunction may be triggered or reinforced one another. But no matter what the cause of your impotence is, using Potencialex will help you eliminate the problem at its root: Potencialex Test

Psychologically inducible Erectile Dysfunction is the most common Reason:

  • Depression 
  • Fears, Phobias 
  • Stress
  • Problems with partnerships
  • Fear of failure
  • Negative experiences with sexuality, e.g. Sexual abuse in childhood

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What can You do about Psychologically-caused Erectile Dysfunction?

The cause must first be addressed. This is where sex therapy comes in handy. The therapy can adjust certain thoughts and behaviors, and reduce sexual pressure.

If the erectile dysfunction continues for more than six months, you can take drugs from the PDE-5 inhibitors group (Viagra and Cialis, among others). As a supplement, these drugs can be used. These drugs are usually used to treat erectile dysfunction.

They can be used in small doses to treat psychologically-caused erectile dysfunction. Positive sexual experiences can help men stop the negative spiral. With time, they will likely not need to use the sexual enhancer. Some men find that just having a good sexual enhancer can be enough to restore their confidence. If you suffer from Impotence try Potencialex, it is the best natural solution: Potencialex Buy

Potencialex: The most Effective Solution

Do not hesitate to seek medical attention if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can be treated once the cause is established.

Erectile dysfunction, especially if it is psychologically caused, is often temporary. You can end the spiral of despair with the right therapy. Sometimes, it’s enough to be honest with your partner about your feelings.

Potencialex are all-natural herbal capsules for firm and long-lasting erections, restoring self-confidence in bed, restoring and increasing libido and treating unpleasant hiccups 100% in bed. A weak erection negatively affects every man’s self-esteem.

Its formula contains herbal extracts extracted using a unique extraction technology. Thanks to years of research, clinical trials, scientists came up with this unique formula and created a product for a fast and long-lasting erection, which effectively combats reduced erection without side effects. Try Potencialex: Potencialex Original