Potency Disorders: Significance and Causes

When things go wrong in bed, the psyche is usually affected. Stress and anxiety can be to blame, which exacerbates the issue. Most often, the cause is physical. When viewed objectively, potency can be regarded as “only” an mechanical process. Stimuli are used to stimulate the pleasure centres in the brain and the spinal cord. These substances release messengers that promote erection.

The erectile tissues in the penis fill up with blood and an erection is formed. Orgasm, the most intense feeling in the world, culminates with ejaculation. This is a perfect case.

There is a great deal of interest in sexuality, but there is a lot of silence when it comes to potency disorders. The term “impotence”, despite all of the education, has a negative connotation. No exact figures are available due to the taboo nature of this subject. Previously, a lack of stiffness in the joints was attributed to the mind. Today, we assume that about half of the people affected suffer from organic disorders, and around 20% have both physical and psychological factors.

Potency can be Fragile

However, the reality is quite different for most men. Even minor fluctuations can disrupt the delicate interplay between feelings, stimuli, and reactions. The penis is no longer responding as it should.

Waiting too long for men to visit a Doctor is a Problem

Impotence is a medical condition that occurs when a man cannot achieve a satisfactory erection. Men who are affected by impotence do not seek professional help and consult a specialist. Impotence remains a taboo, and men are still speechless – despite the fact that our society no longer has any sexual prohibitions.

Impotence triggers a Domino Effect

It is not a good idea to wait and see if the impotence disappears on its own. Erectile dysfunction is a widespread problem.

It can have a devastating impact on your partner, your personality, and even self-confidence. There are many ways to restore the potency and to resolve the crisis. There is no reason for men to be impotent today, as there are many ways that they can get help.

Potency Disorders

The medical terminology is often different from the terms used by the general public. Impotence in medical terms is used to describe both male and female impotence.

Inability of Males to reproduce and perform Coitus:

Erectile Dysfunction (impotentia Coeundi), or erectile disorder (ED), is when the penis cannot become erect, either because it does not erect enough, or for a long time, and therefore the sexual act can’t be performed.

Impotentia generandi, also known as infertility or sterility, is the inability to reproduce. In this case ejaculation and orgasmic abilities are present. Ejaculation is present. Infertility is the inability to reproduce.

Impotence is usually used to refer only to its first form. Only erectile dysfunction will be discussed, as the causes, diagnoses and treatment options differ greatly. This article will only discuss erectile disorder.

Impotence and the Mind

The stronger sex can weaken due to psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or pressure to perform.

Erectile dysfunction can also affect male wellbeing and lead to frustration, fear and frustration of not being able to “be able” the next time. This is a vicious cycle of fear and failure.

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Bicycle Saddles do not cause Erectile Dysfunction

Scientists have long believed that the shape of bicycle saddles could cause serious potency problems. The teardrop shape of the saddle causes approximately one-third of your body weight to rest on the perineum. 

When seated, the area between the external genitals and the anus is affected. The blood flow in the penis is affected by prolonged and frequent sitting on the saddle of a bicycle.

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Erection Problems: What causes them?

The release of neurotransmitters in the blood is a result of sexual arousal. This causes the vascular muscle to relax, allowing blood to flow into the penis. Erection issues can result if these mechanisms are disrupted. 

Impotence is often caused by diabetes, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Many people who are affected by impotence avoid going to the doctor out of shame. Consult your doctor if you suspect that erectile malfunction is caused by a disease.

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The best Natural Treatment

Potencialex is an innovative product to solve all problems with male potency. Producers spent several years researching various plant extracts and natural components, combining and testing their effects. As a result, we managed to find a combination of components that frees men from physiological problems with potency.

Today, Potencialex is the only product that solves absolutely all potency problems without harming health and without experiencing any side effects, as it consists exclusively of natural and ecological components.

Thanks to the synergistic effect of natural components, Potencialex provides powerful blood flow to the penis, permanent erection, prolongs sexual intercourse, improves sensitivity and neutralises psychological fear of intimacy.

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